Dear Zoey

I’ve been tossing around this idea for awhile now. I always express myself better through writing (er…typing), and there are so many things I want to be able to share with you as you continue to grow. 

It’s always been you and me. People have come in and out of our lives, little one, but you and I have remained together. You are growing up in an insane culture. A culture that, as a single mom, I’m constantly fearful of. But I don’t want to be afraid, and I’m hoping this blog will help that. 

You’re my beautiful 4 1/2 year old preschooler right now. Just yesterday I went to kindergarten round-up for you (and yes I cried). You’re growing so fast, and it’s exciting, overwhelming, and so scary for me. You’re moving into a realm where I won’t always have the control of what you hear or see or experience. You’re moving into a world of best friends, and playground fights, and learning to read! You are learning to read. I still can’t believe I’m typing that. 

My goal with this blog is to document your childhood. The good and the bad. I want to share wisdom with you as it comes to me. I want to be able to share all the things I hope and dream for you. And when you’re 16 and hating me, I hope you can read this blog and be reminded how deeply I love and value you.